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₹250 ₹180

Ragi Sugar Free Cookies


Sugar-free ragi cookies offer a wholesome and guilt-free snack option. Sweetened with sugar substitutes, these cookies harness the natural goodness of ragi (finger millet), providing a nutrient-rich treat. Packed with fiber, protein, and essential minerals, they cater to health-conscious individuals seeking a delicious yet low-sugar alternative to traditional cookies.


  1. Blood Sugar Management: Sugar-free ragi cookies are a diabetic-friendly choice, helping regulate blood sugar levels due to their reduced sugar content.
  2. Nutrient-Rich: Ragi, or finger millet, adds significant nutritional value with fiber, protein, and essential minerals, contributing to overall well-being.
  3. Weight Management: Lower sugar intake in these cookies supports weight management efforts, offering a satisfying treat without excessive calories from added sugars.
  4. Digestive Health: Ragi's high fiber content aids digestion and promotes a healthy gut, contributing to improved digestive well-being.
  5. Sustained Energy Release: Complex carbohydrates in ragi provide a gradual energy release, preventing rapid spikes and crashes in energy levels.
  6. Dental Well-Being: Reduced sugar content contributes to better oral health, decreasing the risk of tooth decay and supporting overall dental hygiene.