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₹260 ₹140

Kodra Cookies 250 G


Kodra cookies made with jaggery offer a wholesome alternative to traditional cookies. Jaggery, a natural sweetener, adds a rich, caramel-like flavor while providing essential minerals. Kodra - Combined with nutrient-dense kodra flour, these cookies become a tasty and healthier treat, suitable for those seeking a guilt-free indulgence.

Ingredients: Kodo Millet(80%), Whole grain Wheat flour(20%), Almonds,Desi Shakkar, Ghee, Milk


  1. Natural Sweetener: Jaggery in kodra cookies acts as a natural sweetener, providing a delicious taste without refined sugars.
  2. Rich in Minerals: Jaggery is packed with essential minerals like iron, magnesium, and potassium, enhancing the nutritional profile of the cookies.
  3. Sustained Energy Release: The complex carbohydrates in kodra flour contribute to a gradual energy release, promoting sustained energy levels throughout the day.
  4. High in Fiber: Kodra flour, coupled with jaggery, adds dietary fiber to the cookies, aiding digestion and supporting a healthy gut.
  5. Nutrient-Dense: These cookies offer a nutrient-dense option, combining the goodness of kodra's nutritional content with the health benefits of jaggery.
  6. Antioxidant Properties: Jaggery contains antioxidants that may help combat oxidative stress, contributing to overall well-being when included in kodra cookies.