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₹370 ₹210

Ragi Cookies


 Gluten-free ragi cookies sweetened with jaggery present a wholesome snack choice. Ragi, rich in fiber and essential amino acids, promotes digestive health and provides sustained energy. The inclusion of jaggery not only imparts natural sweetness but also brings along its minerals, offering a nutrient-dense treat that caters to those seeking gluten-free and healthier snack alternatives.


  1. Gluten-Free Goodness: Ragi cookies without gluten make for a suitable option for individuals with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease.
  2. Nutrient-Rich Ragi: Packed with essential amino acids, minerals, and fiber, ragi contributes to overall nutritional well-being.
  3. Natural Sweetening: Jaggery adds a natural sweetener to the cookies, avoiding refined sugars while providing iron, magnesium, and other beneficial minerals.
  4. Digestive Health: Ragi's high fiber content aids in digestion, promoting a healthy gut and regular bowel movements.
  5. Sustained Energy Release: The combination of ragi and jaggery results in a balanced carbohydrate profile, ensuring a gradual energy release for lasting vitality.
  6. Minimizes Inflammatory Response: Being gluten-free and incorporating jaggery, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, these cookies may be a choice for those aiming to reduce inflammatory responses in the body