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₹330 ₹195

Makki Cookies


Gluten-free makki (corn meal) cookies sweetened with jaggery offer a delightful treat with distinct benefits. Makki, being naturally gluten-free, caters to those with gluten sensitivities, while jaggery provides a wholesome sweetness rich in minerals. These cookies not only satisfy the taste buds but also serve as a nutrient-dense option, making them an excellent choice for individuals seeking gluten-free and healthier snack alternatives.


  1. Gluten-Free Goodness: Makki cookies without gluten are a suitable option for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease, allowing them to indulge in a delicious treat worry-free.
  2. Mineral-Rich Jaggery: The addition of jaggery not only imparts natural sweetness but also brings essential minerals like iron and potassium, contributing to overall well-being.
  3. Nutrient-Dense Snack: Gluten-free makki cookies offer a nutrient-dense alternative, combining the nutritional benefits of cornmeal with the health advantages of jaggery.
  4. Blood Sugar Management: Jaggery's moderate impact on blood sugar levels makes these cookies a better choice for individuals aiming to manage their blood sugar.
  5. Digestive Health: Makki, with its dietary fiber content, supports digestive health, promoting regular bowel movements and a healthy gut.
  6. Energy Boost: The balanced carbohydrate content in these cookies provides a sustained energy release, making them a satisfying and energizing snack option.