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₹650 ₹420

Peanut Butter (1kg)


Peanut butter is a creamy and wholesome spread derived from roasted peanuts. It retains the natural peanut oil that enhances its rich flavor and provides a smooth texture. This variant of peanut butter offers a delicious combination of protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients, making it a versatile and nutritious addition to various snacks and meals.
  1. Rich in Protein: Peanut butter, with natural peanut oil, is a protein-packed spread, supporting muscle maintenance and repair.
  2. Healthy Fats: The natural peanut oil in peanut butter provides heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, contributing to cardiovascular well-being.
  3. Nutrient-Dense: Peanut butter is a source of essential nutrients, including vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium, offering a nutritious boost to your diet.
  4. Satiety and Weight Management: The combination of protein and healthy fats in peanut butter helps promote a feeling of fullness, aiding in weight management and reducing unhealthy snacking.
  5. Energy Boost: Packed with calories and nutrients, peanut butter serves as an energy-dense food, providing a quick and sustained energy release.
  6. Versatile and Tasty: Peanut butter adds flavor and texture to a variety of dishes, making it a versatile ingredient that can be enjoyed in sandwiches, smoothies, or as a dip, enhancing both taste and nutrition.

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